In this tool you can upload the excel file (from eDoz; with the list of all students participating the exam)
and the Exam Question related TeX files and it will generate the correct CSV
file needed for anonymization as well as the randomized TeX files and provide them for downloading (as csv and zip).
More information on the exam format can be found
How to use
wait a bit (about 15 sec) until the page is loaded completely (meanwhile enjoy the video)
choose the excel file downloaded from eDoz (Communication/Lists -> Performance assessments - Registrations & Results -> *your exam* -> Export data [excel])
choose all the Q0x_v0.tex files and the mc_v0.tex file
provide the number of random groups you want to use (leave blank if no randomization is wanted)
provide a global seed (integer) for randomization (default: leave blank! or enter global seed from log file to reproduce existing versioning)
click on "Upload and Process"
as soon as you see the preview and the success message, you can download the generated files (registration.csv and